IDBI Bank Financial Results for Q1 of FY 2023

Highlights of Q1 FY 2023:
- Net profit of ₹756crore, QoQ growth of 10%.
- Operating Profit of₹2,052 crore, QoQ growth of 36%.
- NII stood at ₹2488 crore, QoQ growth of 3%.
- NIM at 4.02% (3.73% excluding interest on IT refund), QoQ growth of 5bps.
- Cost of Deposit stood at 3.36% for Q1 of FY 2023 as against 3.43% for Q4 of FY 2022.
- Cost of Funds stood at 3.63%for Q1 of FY 2023as against 3.69% for Q4 of FY 2022.
- CRAR at 19.57%, QoQ growth of 51bps.
- Return on Assets (ROA) at 1.03%, QoQ growth by 8bps.
- Return on Equity (ROE) at 14.80%, QoQ growth by 32bps.
- CASA ratio stood at 55.65%for Q1 of FY 2023 as against 56.77% for Q4 of FY 2022.
- Net NPA at 1.25%for Q1 of FY 2023 as against 1.36% for Q4 of FY 2022.
- PCR stood at 97.79% as against 97.63% as on March 31, 2022.
Operating Performance:
- Net Profit improved by 25%for Q1-2023to ₹756crore as against net profit of ₹603crore for Q1-2022. Net Profitfor Q4-2022 was ₹691 crore.
- PBT improvedby 7% for Q1-2023 to ₹1,093crore as against ₹1,024crore for Q1-2022. PBT for Q4-2022 was ₹844 crore.
- Operating profit stood at ₹2,052crore for Q1-2023as against ₹2,868crorefor Q1-2022. Operating profit was at ₹1,513crore for Q4-2022.
- Net Interest Incomestood at₹2,488crore for Q1-2023as against ₹2,506crore for Q1-2022.NII stood ₹2,420crore for Q4-2022.
- Net Interest Margin (NIM) stood at4.02%(3.73% excluding interest on IT refund)for Q1-2023 as compared to 4.06% for Q1-2022. NIM stood 97% for Q4-2022.
- Cost of Deposit reducedby 36bps to 3.36% for Q1-2023 as compared to 3.72% for Q1-2022. Cost of deposit stood at 3.43% for Q4-2022.
- Cost of Fundsreduced by 35bps to 3.63% for Q1-2023 as compared to 3.98% for Q1-2022. Cost of funds stood at 3.69% for Q4-2022.
Business Growth
- CASA improvedto ₹1,25,356crore as on June 30, 2022 as against ₹1,16,595as on June 30, 2021 (YoY growth of8%). CASA stood at₹1,32,359croreas on March 31, 2022.
- Share of CASAin Total Deposits improved65% as on June30, 2022 as against 52.43% as on June 30, 2021and 56.77%as on March 31, 2022.
- Net advances grew by 12% YoY to ₹1,38,046 crore as on June 30, 2022.Gross advances stood at ₹1,70,390 crore as on June 30, 2022,YoY growth of 9%.
- The composition of Advances portfolioCorporate v/s Retail was at37:63as on June 30, 2022.
Asset Quality
- Gross NPA ratio improved 90% as on June 30, 2022as against22.71% as on June 30, 2021. Gross NPA stood at 20.16% as on March 31, 2022.
- Net NPA ratio improved25% as on June 30, 2022 as against1.67% as on June 30, 2021. Net NPA ratio stood at1.36%as on March 31, 2022.
- Provision Coverage Ratio (including Technical Write-Offs)improved to 97.79% as on June 30, 2022 from 97.42% as on June 30, 2021.PCR stood at97.63% as on March 31, 2022.
Capital Position
- Tier 1 improvedto 17.13% as on June 30, 2022 as against 16.68% as on March 31, 2022and 13.64% as on June 30, 2021.
- CRARimproved to 19.57% as on June 30, 2022 as against19.06 % as on March 31, 2022and 16.23% as on June 30, 2021.
- Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) reducedby0.29% to ₹1,53,832 crore as on June 30, 2022 as against ₹1,54,285 crore as on June 30, 2021.Total RWA was ₹1,54,559 crore as on March 31, 2022. Credit Risk weighted assets reduced by0.88% to ₹1,21,798 crore as on June 30, 2022 as against ₹1,22,876 crore as on June 30, 2021. Credit RWA was ₹1,22,451crore as on March 31, 2022.
Mumbai, July 21, 2022: The Board of Directors of IDBI Bank Ltd. (IDBI Bank) met in Mumbai today and approved the financial results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2022.
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IDBI Bank Ltd
Key Summary for Q1 of FY 2023 Results
Previous periods figures have been regrouped/ restated (wherever necessary)
1- Annualized
^ – NIM excluding interest on IT refund – 3.73%
^^ – NIM excluding interest on IT refund – 3.59%